Thursday, October 05, 2006

When to break the law...

I am far from the perfect citizen. I jaywalk (not with the kids). I voluntarily go over the speed limit. I've taken the tag off of mattresses.

We're looking for a new caregiver for our son.

What's interesting is how many people we know give us recommendations and consciously hire people who are not permitted to legally work in the US. This compounds the already difficult challenge of finding someone because we are limited in our ability to tap our network and when we do, we have to face the embarrassing situation of having to ask, "is she legal?"

Or, in some cases, we have to tell people why someone wasn't acceptable."She isn't legal."

"Oh, right."

I'm just wondering why this law is one of those where it doesn't seem to matter if you break it, like jaywalking or speeding.

If Tamar didn't work in a position where hiring an illegal immigrant was a huge problem, would I feel the same way about our situation? Hard to say.

Given all of the discussion about illegal immigrants recently, it's been interesting to play around with this idea in my head.

Which laws do your willingly ignore? Why?

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