Friday, October 20, 2006

Thoughts on the Causes of Homophobia...

Just found out that a Lesbian friend of mine from high school gave birth to a daughter. That's probably why the idea I'm about to present got into my head. Not sure.

I'm wondering if some of larger society's discomfort with homosexuals comes from issues stemming from the public-private spectrum (see previous blog post).

Let's assume that 10% of the population is gay. That means that 90% of the people you meet/know are the same as you when it comes to sexual preference.

However, when you meet someone who is openly gay (or find out that someone is gay)-compared to when you meet someone who is straight- the immediately obvious difference is how that person engages in sexual acts.

It's possible that possessing knowledge of this sort about another individual is enough to make some people feel uncomfortable.

If a straight couple said, "last night we engaged in oral sex," or "I prefer X position while she prefers Y position," that would, I am sure, make many people feel uncomfortable. [The reason I feel comfortable saying that is because of the handful of people who say they feel 'uncomfortable' reading my Blog because it shares 'intimate' details of my life.]

Sexual relations with a partner is certainly an intimate detail. I'm wondering if it is people's discomfort with having to confront that fact right off the bat about a friend or a total stranger is more of a challenge than the idea of loving someone of the same gender.

In short, it may not be the idea of same gender love that is foreign and discomforting, it's knowing about the act of same gender sex as the key differentiator that may make some people uncomfortable.

This was a tough post to write. Usually, they flow, but I wanted to get the ideas out there without being offensive. Not an easy task.

How did I do?

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