Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tamar-146,794, Jeremy-45

I scored a big victory in my desire to "be right" in discussions/argument with my wife. I may make the big 5-0 by the time we hit our 6th anniversary.

As you can see from the score, I don't have much of a chance of catching Tamar, so I tend to savor the victories-few and far between though they may be.

We each procured a new pair of glasses 2 months ago. At my urging, Tamar went with a more "fashion-forward" pair (I'd show picture, but Tamar has vetoed it).

When she received them, she decided that she didn't like them at all. I LOVED them.

We were in Albany, ALL of her siblings (save the one who wasn't there) LOVED them (her mom didn't), but Tamar still wasn't convinced.

The one sibling who wasn't there is, by all accounts, the most fashion-conscious and enlightened of all of them. We agreed to submit to binding arbitration. If Tamar's sister in Chicago didn't like the glasses, I'd back off on my requests that she wear them.

Well, as chance would have it, last week's last minute work trip to Chicago enabled Tamar's sister to pass judgment.

You know how the story ends...my Project Runway viewing is paying off and I put another mark in the victory column.

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