Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sundays over time...

Once upon a time, my Sunday schedule looked something like this.

  1. wake up at 11 or 12
  2. watch football until 7pm or so
  3. hang out
  4. go to bed

Now, my Sundays are something like this

  1. wake up at 6am
  2. play with the kids for 2-2.5 hours
  3. put one down for a nap, take another to a friend for a play date
  4. do 1 hour of work
  5. mow the lawn
  6. run with both of the kids in the double jogging stroller to the store
  7. feed them lunch (it's noon by now)
  8. play some more
  9. put 1 or both down for a nap
  10. 30 minutes to myself
  11. change diapers multiple times
  12. set one up with Dora, watch football! with the other, while teaching the fine art of tackling
  13. build lego blocks
  14. read books
  15. feed dinner
  16. bathe
  17. prepare for bed

More exhausting, but more fun.

How days change.

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