Friday, October 27, 2006

Racial awareness...

I give my African-American friend, Tjada, a lot of credit for raising my awareness of racial issues.

After talks with her, I've noticed the racial make-up of the people in my office and in other situations.

FOX does a great job of "creating atmosphere" during the World Series by showing numerous crowd shots.

During last night's game, there were at least 10-15 different views of the fans...and they were all white.

Eventually, I saw 1 or 2 black people and maybe 1 Asian. It was remarkable.

Maybe once upon a time you'd say that the Midwest wasn't very ethnically diverse, but I don't buy that argument.

A few things could be going on:

  1. the people with money to spend on expensive World Series tickets may be disproportionately white
  2. the people who care enough about baseball to go to a game may also be disprorpotionately white
  3. the cameramen/producers focus on white people

I don't know what it is, but I did notice it.

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