Sunday, October 22, 2006

Questionable advertising...

Was watching football today and saw an ad for Chevrolet (no I didn't DVR through it), but I found the ad a bit curious.

Here was an ad on the local station in Washington, DC and the advertising featured men in workboots on a farm and an oil rig and other very rural scenes. The taglines and music were saying, "people who dress like this and work like this...that's who we want to buy our trucks."

Ok, that may be true, but how many of those people living in urban, knowledge worker, office cubicle land of Washington, DC are in that market?

Now, maybe they want you to buy that truck if you think you are that type of guy, but to me, at least, it just seemed like it didn't play to that emotion and just drew a line in the sand...which is fine, but then why choose a mass medium for that message? And, why target an urban market to begin with?

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