Monday, October 16, 2006

Paco the bull...

My boy is a unique character.

Last week, Calanit piled up two mattresses on top of each other in the basement and started jumping on them. Typical stuff.

Erez climbs up on them, runs full speed and then launches himself like a bungee jumper (without a cord)..maybe more of a the slide and lands flat on his face. I had never seen anything like it. I started saying "Paco es loco!"

He gets up, smiles at me and proceeds to do it again, and again, and again. 15 times!

We have wrestling matches every night. I literally (have witnesses who've seen it) throw him on to the couch(which he loves), we are in bear hugs, giving head-butts, and all other sorts of WWF maneuvers.

He's laughing and I'm shouting, "ok, you little punk. Show me what you've got! Bring it on!" And what does he do? Puts on a huge grin and CHARGES AT ME, diving right on top of me!

Tamar witnessed a 10 foot charge tonight, like a bull in Spain.

As I've said before, whoever says boys and girls are the same doesn't have a boy and a girl.

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