Monday, October 09, 2006

Out of Gas...

On our drive home from Albany last night, twice we stopped for gas and BOTH times, the gas stations were out of Regular (so we had to go Super.)

It was something I'd never seen before. It made me contemplate an America of gasoline shortages.

When I was 6 during the 1979 oil crisis, my brother, Asher, and I walked up and down the gas lines selling juice and donuts (enterprising young entrepreneurs that we were.) and it reminded me of those days. That experience also gave rise to our oft-repeated comment, "whenever there's a line, there's an opportunity."

Imagine an America truly ground to a halt by extremely high gas prices or, shortages. Many of us don't remember or didn't first-hand experience those days, but now, an even more developed and more gas-dependent's a scary thought.

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