Thursday, October 05, 2006


One of the implied great promises of America, it seems to me, is that "if you're the best," you'll succeed.

We know how that doesn't play out in many aspects of our lives. Connections, discrimination, etc. mean that you may not get the job, whatever.

There's a lot of talk about encouraging diversity, affirmative action, and other things to create a "workplace" that looks more like society.

One area where that isn't true and I don't hear anyone complaining is on professional sports teams. In management, yes, but on teams, you don't hear people saying..."we really need a basketball team that has 50% Caucasians since that more accurately reflects the racial makeup of America." Or, "let's get some diversity on this football team, we need more Asians." Just doesn't happen.

In almost every sport, you see that, for the most part, the most talented players have jobs. The other ones don't. If you're good, you'll be hired.

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