Thursday, October 12, 2006

The little innovations...

In parenting (and perhaps in life), it's the little, iterative changes that can make a BIG difference.

Spencer (aka Paco aka Erez) has a habit of stirring restlessly somewhere between 3 and 5 am each morning. All you need to do is put his pacifier back in his mouth, he calms down, and goes back to sleep.

Thing is, when it's 4 in the morning and you're exhausted and you don't want to turn on the light, you're reduced to groping blindly in the dark for the missing pacifier--which could be anywhere--under the crib, in his blanket, etc.

So, now, before we go to bed, we place a pacifier (face up) on the floor outside of the door to his room. When he stirs, we (read: I) get up, pick it up on our way in, and are out of the room in under 20 seconds.

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