Wednesday, October 04, 2006

If you're going to be....

It's rare that a random visitor to town's schedule and mine align. It's also quite exciting when random events come into play.

My friend, Cheryl, celebrated her birthday on Sat. I called her and left a VM. She emailed and said, "hey, I'm going to be in Baltimore on Wed-Fri, if you're around, we can get together.)

Baltimore is 40 miles from DC. I'm there every 2-3 months. It's also out of the way enough that it's a hassle. However, as chance would have it, I was planning on being there on Wed. afternoon.

Pretty cool how these things work out.

Postscript: I called her to meet up at 5pm (our original plan) and found out her plane was late, so we couldn't meet up after all! Ugh.

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