Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Housing project roadmap...

Life's got enough surprises that I don't need to be caught off guard about when my refrigerator is going to need replacing.

Nothing's for certain, of course, but I've started compiling data from homeowners re: the average life expectancy of various appliances and other aspects of home maintenance.  I'm sure I'll have some things that live beyond the average and others that don't, but on average, I should have a good idea of when things will need replacement.

This will, I hope, reduce some of the stress associated with homeownership and give me a chance to plan accordingly.

As my cousin writes:

Here's the deal.  These expenses hit you when you aren't looking, and you usually don't have any choice.  My recommendation is that you squirrel away $$ in some form now, whether in the form of general savings, or a designated fund so you won't be clobbered so bad when it hits.  Some people save for the next car, etc., not a bad idea to save for the unanticipated household expense.  I'll tell you what, it's much easier to find a little extra $$ for you now each month, then when you start shelling out for dayschool or pre-school tuition if that's the route you go. 

That's the game plan. I am trying to post an interactive version of the spreadsheet so we can all learn from each other.

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