Sunday, October 15, 2006

Differing Worldviews...

Tamar doesn't drink alcohol. She has a  hard time understanding the allure of it. On top of that, she doesn't understand the appeal of getting drunk. Not rip-roaring, puke your guts out into the toilet, have a hangover for 24 hours drunk, but buzzed to the point where a responsible person would say "I'm not driving."

The topic came up because some people have the custom of getting drunk to celebrate the holiday of Simchat Torah which was today.

Over the years, I've tried to explain to Tamar that, on occasion, it's something that people find to be a valuable experience, but without much luck. Her brother (and sister-in-law) were in town this weekend, and fortunately, Tamar has a lot of respect for her brother's opinion (and I don't take that personally by comparison).

A 1 hour discussion ensued on the relative merits of being drunk. The basic point was, "for some people, it can be a worthwhile experience and makes sense."

The three of us were not getting anywhere until her brother said, "do you think our moving to Israel makes sense?" Tamar said it did.

"Well, there are plenty of people who think we are absolutely NUTS. 'You're moving your kids into a war zone,' and the like, but for us, it makes sense."

Now, they weren't putting the two on the same plane of value of experience, necessarily, but it did serve the major argument that our sister-in-law was making...different people have different ways of experiencing the world (with the usual caveat of 'as long as you aren't hurting anyone else.')

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