Saturday, October 28, 2006

Call from Regensburg...

"Hi Jeremy. This is John. This is a bit of an odd message, but I was on your summer program in Regensburg 10 years ago. Your name came up in the course of some research I'm doing and I wanted to talk to you about it."

After a few phone tags and emails, we finally connected.

John, it turns out, is working on a book challenging the nation of Japan to be more open in efforts to support greater peace and prosperity in Asia.

They cite some issues with Japan's unwillingness to confront some of the more unpleasant aspects of its history (the rape of Nanking is the most obvious) as a barrier to reaching this objective.

While doing research, John came across a letter I sent to the Johns Hopkins alumni magazine comparing the way that Germany and Japan had confronter their WWII behavior...written by yours truly.

It struck a chord with me and like a good detective, he tracked me down using the Internet and a contact of his who went to JHU.

I can't disclose more than'll have to wait for the book, but another great example of how technology can uncover info that would otherwise be long lost and reconnect people who would otherwise lose touch.

John's the newest member of the "Friends of Jeremy" team. Welcome him (and stay tuned for the review of his book--I'm angling for an advanced copy!)

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