Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Browser Day 2006

Last night I upgraded my Internet Explorer browser to version 7. I'd been using it at work, but took the plunge at home (it's a sign of confidence since I don't have the same tech support there as I do at work).

I'm a fan. It's smoother and I like the add-ons. One thing you should definitely consider using/installing is the Windows Live Toolbar

The single best feature (i've been using the concept in one way or another for years) is the auto-form-fill. I hate typing my name/address multiple times and remembering my passwords. I don't have to.

I even set up different profiles depending on whether it's work, home, or a junk account (so I don't get spammed/junk mail later).

For comparison purposes, I also installed Firefox browser and I'll be testing out the merits of both over time.

Tried out IE7 or Firefox? What do you think?
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