Wednesday, October 18, 2006

14 hours...

Last night at midnight, I turned to Tamar. "You know, it finally feels like we're getting back into some sort of routine. Between the holidays and thyroid cancer, it's been a crazy ride for the last 4 months."

She agreed. "It feels good."

"I just wonder how long it'll be before we're thrown for our next loop?"

The answer: 14 hours.

She called me at 2pm today to say she had to go to Chicago tonight.

I was already on kid duty from 2.30pm to 5.30pm and now it was extended to 8pm tomorrow.

I went into Emergency Preparedness mode. I called my sister, Kira, to check on her Thursday availability. I asked the caregiver we have (and are looking to replace-hence the reason I was on the way home at 2pm) if she had availability on Thurs-no luck (and Kira was pending).

As luck would have it, we had an interview scheduled for 3-5 tomorrow with a potential caregiver replacement.

I called her. "Uh, instead of a 2 hour interview, how'd you like a 10 hour one?"

"I'll be home and can show you the ropes. You'll experience a typical day and decide if this is what you want to do."

She was game. Major crisis averted.

I took the kids out for a series of enervating and fatigue inducing run/walks this evening and had the house nice and peaceful by 8pm.

Of course, I still have to figure out what (and how) to pack Calanit for lunch tomorrow, but I think we'll make it (provided we don't have a 3am wake-up). I guess the good news is that I'm a sound sleeper and as I've said,

"if a kid cries in the middle of the night and you don't hear him or her,
did he really wake up?"

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