Monday, September 11, 2006

What you can do....

The outreach and sympathy we've received during this medical challenge is incredible. We are extremely grateful. It's so wonderful to feel so loved and cared for.

I've learned one thing, however, about helping people during challenging times...and I offer this not because I am asking for something, but because I want my perspective to help others.

The natural response when hearing about a life challenge such as a medical illness that requires a lot of attention is to say...

"Let me know what I can do."

It's reflexive, though I believe that people genuinely want to help. When the shoe is on the other foot, I want to help. Life is challenging enough without all of the extra burden of illness, caring for a sick parent, whatever...

My take on it is this...

It's highly unlikely that a person in need is going to flat out ask for assistance. It's uncomfortable to call up someone and say..."you know, it would really relieve my burden right now if you could pick up my dry cleaning."

Better....tell the person, "I'm going to the {library, dry cleaner, grocery, Costco, mall, etc.]. I'll be by on Wednesday evening to pick up the [grocery list, dry cleaning, etc.]"

If you're not local, it's not as easy, of course, but you get the point.

Again, I am not asking for ANYTHING. Nor am I ungrateful for all of the outpouring of love, emotion, and support we've received.

I've just learned a valuable lesson about how I will respond when I hear about challenging situations from my friends. And since you are genuinely concerned about helping your friends and family, I thought this would be helpful to you.

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