Saturday, September 09, 2006

The value of networking...

For about 18 months, I was leading a networking meeting for Jewish professionals. It was the Washington chapter of the J2J Network.

Eventually, we stopped it because our attendance didn't warrant it. There are hundreds of reasons why this is possible. One interpretation I had was that people felt they weren't getting immediate value out of the experience in terms of closed dollars for their business.

I had stressed that networking is a long-term investment. You've got to see people month over month and eventually, maybe, something will happen. No guarantees.

Anyway, got an email the other day:

I have a client sponsoring a health fair who is looking for someone to do chair massages. I remember in our J2JDC group there was someone who did it, but don’t remember his name. Do you have his name and contact info by chance? Thanks, Adam

I put him in touch with Doron Stadlan who gives one hell of a massage.

Now that's value.

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