Monday, September 25, 2006

Transmitting Ritual...

One of the most meaningful components of fatherhood is watching your children begin to appreciate the religious rituals you hold dear.

Tonight, Calanit and I began preparing for the holiday of Sukkot which follows Yom Kippur.

Together-really together--we began to assemble the temporary dwelling (the Sukkah).

Calanit was extremely excited to both help and to watch the structure take shape.

She picked up rods and passed them to me. Went up and down steps without complaint and kept saying....'AND THEN WE GET TO DECORATE IT!!!"

Such a great feeling to share in the experience with her and see her participate in the preparation for the holiday.

I get the feeling that we're doing a good job of transmitting the ritual and the values and that her excitement has set her on a path with momentum that will last her.

At least, I hope it will.

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