Thursday, September 28, 2006

Subway conversation...

Is it possible to talk about suicide without appearing to be suicidal?

Ran into a friend on the subway the other day. She’d told me that there were times in her life when she had seriously contemplated suicide.

She had mentioned throwing herself into a river as an option, but if you’re serious about it, I’m wondering if that’s the best way? Seems like there is a lot of chance for failure. Plus your survival instinct would probably kick in.

As an intellectual exercise, it’s probably worth debating the merits of the alternatives. There’s got to be a website that gives the pros and cons of the various methods. I know some joker is going to find it and post it as a comment. Brownie points if it is you.

I mean…if you fail…you have to live with the knowledge (and possible depression—and I’m not belittling the fact that people are driven to this point—though I do think it’s pretty damn selfish) that you tried and couldn’t accomplish the goal.

On a related point, would your FICO score drop? I mean, if you’re trying to commit suicide, are you a good credit risk? My hunch is no. Another unintended consequence, perhaps?

Remember the video of the guy who played chicken with the train? (here)…that could be an effective way to do it.

Just one of those random thoughts that seemed blog-worthy. Whether it is or not is another question.

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