Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Optimistic Doctors...

I'm getting the feeling that doctors don't like to give bad news. Or maybe they don't want to cause a panic.Not sure.

Yesterday, the endocrinologist covering my case (my guy is in Italy for a conference) says, "there was some large uptake in one area. We want to do an MRI. It's nothing."

If it's 'nothing,' why are we doing an MRI?

When the lump in my thyroid was first discovered, my primary care physician said, "it's probably nothing. 80% of the time these things are benign."

Doesn't that mean that 20% of the time, they aren't?

You don't want people freaking out, I realize, but if you say "it's nothing" and you do an MRI and then it's something...are you really doing the person a favor?

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