Tuesday, September 12, 2006


You're lying flat on your back with your head strapped down to the board behind you. You've got a plastic "Silence of the Lambs"-esque grill across your face.

Then, you get inserted into a round teleport chamber like you're the filling being put into a Twinkie...and then you can't move at all, like you're

In fact, they tell you to limit your swallowing.

You've got earplugs in because the sound is like a constant, l0w-tone, dull jackhammering going off on all sides of your head.

You are most alone...except for the occasional HAL-like voice that is the technician telling you what is happening next.

This goes on for 30 minutes. You're definitely not comfortable, but the technology is incredible.

Fortunately, the one unusual "hot" area was determined to not be anything severe and admission is on schedule for tomorrow.

Still have to finish packing...but we're getting there.

Here's the gameplan
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