Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Movie Review: The Producers

When I was travelling in Europe and Asia, I remember meeting other backpackers (or regular tourists) who would say, "have you been to Ko Phan Ngan?" or "have you been to Angkor Wat?"

They would then proceed to hype it to such an extreme that by the time I got there, my expectations were so high that I was disappointed. In fact, in all of my travels, there are only a few places where, in my humble opinion, the reality has exceeded the enormous hype. They are:
1. the Sistine Chapel
2. the Great Wall of China
3. Petra
4. Macchu Picchu

For me, the movie the producers falls into the category of reality not living up to the hype. That's unfortunate, because it really is a pretty good movie. The actors do a tremendous job. Uma Thurman and Will Ferrell (as always!) are magnificent in their supporting roles. Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick are very, very entertaining and the whole plot and the over-the-top way in which it is executed is quite funny.

For my time, the first part of the movie dragged a bit, but picked up steam towards the end.

Had all of the hype not come along with it, I probably could have sat back and enjoyed the flick. It's worth a view. I'm just doing my part to keep you from being suffering any type of mild let down. I wouldn't buy it, but do the NetFlix thing if you can.

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