Friday, September 29, 2006

Monsters...A play in 1 Act

"Monsters! Monsters!"
Calanit comes running into our room at 4.20am. I turn, give her a hug, and she crawls into bed with us. I get up, go to the bathroom and when I return, I say, "ok, you can't stay in our bed. There are no monsters. Let's go back to your bed."

I take her there. "I'll snuggle with you for a few minutes." She's calmed and when I get up to leave, offers no objections.

I return to bed.
Tamar: "Thanks for taking care of that, sweetest."

Me: "There were monsters. She's not going to go to YOU for that. When Calanit wants a can of 'whoop-ass' opened on monsters, there's only one choice for the right parent to get invovled.

What were you going to do? Crochet them to death?

Let's just say that I made the monsters an offer they couldn't refuse."

I'm on a roll now....

"and I'll tell you something else. Johnny Fontaine will have the part and their horse won't be running in any races anytime soon."

I didn't get the memo that once your kids sleep through the night, they don't actually sleep through the night.
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