Friday, September 22, 2006

Just a bit sad and lonely on Rosh Hashana...

I'm no longer a radioactive danger to anyone except pregnant women and infants.

Which describes (at least the latter), my niece Dalia Rose.

For that reason, we decided that it made more sense for Tamar and the kids to spend the holiday with my parents and all of the extended family and for me to stay in the house...alone.

For a while, I was fine, figuring I'd get a ton of sleep (and I will). This, too, shall pass, I know, but the thought of Dalia's first Rosh Hashana, my aging grandparents, all of my siblings...and not me and what's more, not being with my beautiful wife and kids has brought me down.

Perhaps that's a good way to start the holiday and the 10 days of introspection that follow between it and Yom Kippur. Not sure, but I know, I miss them already...and they just drove off.

Shana Tova Umetuka...may you have a sweet New Year.

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