Wednesday, September 20, 2006

John the Barber...

Stopped at my old barber's shop. When I say "old," I mean the place where I went when I was 13 or so. It's on the way home from work and I figured...what the heck.

When I went there, it was owned by Orlando. Now John does.

I usually have to work to get the hair stylists talking (typically women from South America at the Hair Cuttery). That wasn't the case with John.

He's an outright American success story.

Came to the US as a 22 year old from Greece in 1968. Married, had 1 kid. Worked as a busboy from 6am-3pm and then as a waiter from 4pm-11pm. 7 days a week for 7 years. Not one day off!

Now, he's got a house that's gone up by 6 times in value. He's paid for both of his kids through school. He owns an apartment complex in Greece, and a vineyard and olive orchard as well.

His son owns the Tel Aviv cafe in Bethesda and he takes 5 weeks of vacation a year.

Remember, this guy is a barber. If you've ever read The Millionaire Next Door, this guy is a perfect example.

And he's humble about it, but not shy. It's hard work, focus, and determination.

He's happy what he's doing and comfortable with who he is.

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