Monday, August 21, 2006

A visit to the Endocrinologist...

New guy is MUCH, MUCH better. Funny, nice, and knowledgeable. Stepped back and really explained the whole process. What’s better is he’s offered up a solution where I don’t have to become hypothyroid and consequently, I won’t be dragging as much during the iodine-free diet stage (which kicks off tomorrow morning-bummer!)

Tamar didn’t come with me, but that’s ok, I recorded most of the conversation in Microsoft Office OneNote, it was pretty cool. The Doc was impressed, “that’s the first time that’s ever happened.”

For you medical geeks, here’s the way it works, as I understand it.

The normal functioning Thyroid generates a hormone called Thyroidglobulin (TG). For people who don’t have a thyroid, well, you shouldn’t have any of it. If you do, however, that’s an indication that there are some functioning thyroid cells…which you don’t want to have.

The goal, then, is to have a situation where you negative for Thyroidglobulin.

Now, there’s a hormone, generated by the pituitary gland called TSH-Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, which, surprisingly enough, stimulates the hormone. When you don’t have a lot of TG, you have A LOT of TSH since the body is saying, “hey we need some TG.” They are inversely proporitional.

When a patient goes through the Radio-Iodine process, the doctors want a very high TSH level so that any remaining thyroid cells are stimulated to crave iodine…which they get in a big, nuclear type of way.

After that, you take Synthroid to get your TG back up to its proper levels and theoretically, you’re in good shape (though artificial). As a result of this process, however, there’s a tabula rasa (clean slate-still remember that from 7th grade Latin) so your physicians can track you over time and determine if recurrence is an issue.

Bottom line—this guy is good, very good. Knows his stuff, great bedside manner, and a good attitude.

Still waiting on final dates, but we’re looking at the week of September 10th.

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