Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Two born at 1.52am

My brother and his wife joined the parenting world earlier this morning. He's a very driven guy and for the last few months, I was eagerly anticipating the change that would occure when his child (a daughter) would arrive.

I remember joking with him that "you better hope it's a boy, at least you have a fighting chance. With a daughter, it's game over."

I remember sobbing hysterically when Calanit was born and that moment, when your first child is born, is clearly one of the most transformative moments in your life. The sobbing was a true rite of passage to a new plain.

Tamar and I lay awake after receiving the news and sharing our excitement. We are both eager to see the change in my brother now that he is a father.

"He's going to be a totally new person," Tamar said.

"Yeah, it's like two people were born at 1.52."
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