Sunday, August 13, 2006

Teach Your Children...

There's a prayer called Shema Yisrael during which it is customary to cover your eyes (almost every time you say it, with some exceptions.)

Yesterday, Calanit was sitting next to me in synagogue and I stood up during the portion of the service in which the Torah is removed from its resting place. At that time, the congregation sings "Shema Yisrael," but covering your eyes is not required.

I turned, by chance, at the end of the sentence to see Calanit removing her hands from her eyes and go back to reading her Dora the Explorer book quite non-chalantly.

Later that evening, she recited for me a nice list of activities that are forbidden on the Sabbath.

It was a great feeling, knowing that my 2.5 year old daughter is absorbing so much of what we seek to teach her and what we think is important.

Crosby, Stills, and Nash would be proud
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