Thursday, August 03, 2006

The role of the soul....

We're all familiar with the Eastern notion that a soul is eternal and that it "comes back" in another life form.

I started thinking about this watching Calanit do Yoga (a kids yoga video) the other night. Then, I asked the other question...what if, in fact, you've only got 1 shot to make it count? What if you knew that every single thing you did on the good side was strenthening your soul and every thing on the bad side was damaging it? Kind of like a cigarette damages your body.

I wonder, if people really, truly knew that, how would they behave differently?

This isn't what my original thought was in its entirety, but that's the problem when you don't have your dictating machine with you when you need it.

Clearly more on this as I recall what the heck I wanted to write about :-)
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