Monday, August 14, 2006

Losing the forest for the trees...

Our house is about 60 feet from a regional park. It's great. There are paths to run on, playgrounds, etc. When Paco wakes up at 6.15am or so (often), I sometimes take him out in the jogging stroller for a run (less often.)

This morning, we got a bit of an early start and he wasn't fussing towards the end of the run (b/c he had fallen asleep). I decided to take a bit of a longer route home during the "cool down."

It was then that I really saw the forest. When running, I'm looking at individual trees along the side of the path (but mostly at the path). As I was strolling, however, I looked deep beyond the trees into the forest that lay behind. It was magnificent.

At that moment, the cliche made a ton of sense.

Now, what trees are blinding me when I'm not in the forest?
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