Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Guest Post: I think Jeremy is going to regret this.

Posted by Special Guest Blogger: Gadi

Top 10 things I hate

10) When people drive the speed limit in front of me, and then speed up when the light ahead turns orange, and then proceeds to run the red.

9) Arguing with Anti-Semites / Anti-Israel people on the internet sites/blogs about technology.

8) Burning when I pee.

7) People who want to talk to me when I’m at a urinal. Keep your eyes on the road, buddy.

6) Computer Viruses and spyware.

5) When I click on something that gives me a virus or spyware, when I know better.

4) People who make top 10 lists

3) People who ask me what I think they should do, and then do the opposite.

2) People who drive into a left turn lane (Or exit only lane), because it is moving faster, and then nobody lets them back in to the straight lane and then they sit there with their blinkers on blocking traffic and nobody wants to let them in because they all waited in the traffic so why would they let this guy in who tried to cut the line.

1) Work

Posted by Special Guest Blogger: Gadi

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