Thursday, August 17, 2006


It's no secret that I love efficiency. That should surprise no one that knows me.

What may surprise them, however, is long it took me to get an EZPass. Last month when I took the kids to Sesame Place, we forgot to borrow the EZ Pass (my mom has one).  Since our commutes don't require it, we'd never been motivated.

Of course, we got stuck in traffic. I vowed that as soon as I got home, I'd buy one. I did.

It's already started paying dividends (on the Reston Toll Road).

It's transactional experiences like EZPass and Metro's Smart Trip that, in my opinion, are the hallmarks of what a customer experience should be.

  • Simple
  • Frictionless
  • Efficienct
  • Pleasant

If a company can build themselves around an "EZPass-like" experience, their customers will love them.

And, if you build that type of mentality into the way you deal with your friends and colleagues, they will love you too!

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