Thursday, August 17, 2006

Distributed Information...

What's another cool thing about the Internet? The ability to pull information from multiple sources.

I've got six tabs that I've created at the customized Windows Live page I have built.

  1. Headlines
  2. Energy
  3. Politics
  4. Marketing/Biz
  5. Tech
  6. MyBlogs

On each tab, I have 3-5 RSS feeds from a variety of sources on which I depend to get my news and information.

What's so incredible is that I only have 1 traditional news source (MSNBC-on the front page) and I barely read it. Instead, I gather my news from bloggers, mostly, and a few sites I trust.

I have never paid for a newspaper subscription to a traditional paper. Nor will I ever. No wonder their circulations are plummeting, right? Why do I need the Wash Post or NY Times, when I can get targeted information from a reliable source on a specific topic of interest?

The serendipity argument has merit. I don't casually leaf through a paper, but between visits to doctor's offices and emails from people, I come across enough random stuff to keep me busy. least for me.

The question then is...if you're a politician (and I think this is part of George Bush's problem, frankly) or a marketer/ do you cost-effectively get out the word? And, when you have so many different sources reporting on what you (or your company) is doing, how do you control the message?

I think the answer is: you can't. Maybe we're entering the true "actions speak louder than words era?"

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