Sunday, August 27, 2006


The flip side of trendy Dupont Circle has got to be Costco, where the four of us went the other day. I love it. At one point, I said to Tamar, "I don't think I'll buy anything anywhere else again." It's like a mall, but all in one store.

We got our eyes checked...and ordered glasses. There's a hearing screening center. Clothes, electronics, household goods.

I love wheeling the kids around (the carts have 2 seats!) and explaining to them the concept of the "Big Box" retailer and the cost savings they pass on through bulk buying and no significant effort at design/presentation. (Some, but not really).

It's an only in America phenomenon and you know what? I love it.

It brings the "good life" possibilities down to even more strata of the socio-economic ladder. A sight to behold if you haven't already.

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