Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Bright Side of Cancer...

Look, you obviously never want to get cancer, but if you may as well make lemonade out of the lemon, right?

Over the course of my life, there have been periods/events after which I know I have elevated my state of spiritual consciousness.

This is one of them.

Yesterday at the pool, I watched the two of them playing with that useful innocence in the water.  I wanted them to get out, but they were both having a good time. Instead of fighting, I let it go, sat back and watched them.

It was almost 7pm and the shadows were getting longer, but the summer sun was bright. The tops of the trees were swaying in the wind. The waterfalls of the leisure pool created a mellow soundtrack to the day. Occasionally, as I stared at my offspring (whoa, that still shakes me on occasion), I heard the sounds of other children frolicking.

"This," I thought, "is the eternal sound of summer. This is what your childhood memories should be."

It was free. It was almost elevating. I took what Tamar and I call a "mental snapshot," vowing to remember that moment as long I am able.

No matter what happens to our house or our stock portfolio, this is one treasure I will never lose.

I picked up a second treasure this morning on a walk with the two of them as they sat, on the edge of the doggy run, laughing and pointing.

Pretty profitable weekend, if you ask me.

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