Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Book Review: Four Against the Arctic

Imagine being stranded north of the Arctic circle with one day's worth of provisions on an island inhabited only by polar bears, walruses, foxes, and seals.

You've got a rifle with 12 rounds of ammunition, no means of communication with the rest of the world, supplies for about 2 days, the clothes on your back, and the remnants of an old hut for shelter.

You do have ample supplies of driftwood....but no tools of consequence, only your knife.

Then, imagine being that way for 6 and 1/2 years! That's what some Pomori hunters (natives of north Russia) endured [the author contends] from 1743-1749.

The book is an excellent story. It's also a great detective story of how he tries to unravel the various pieces of the fairly poorly documented story and, an investigation into the human mentality and will to survive.

I listened to this book in the car and was constantly enthralled. The writing was superb and the reader was highly talented.

At Amazon: Four Against the Arctic

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