Friday, August 11, 2006

An argument that can't be won...

The problem with the discussion between Left/Rigth; Dems/Reps; Libs/Conservatives as it relates to the perceived/real threat of Islamofascists is that it's impossible for the Right to prove the other side wrong.

For Conservatives to prove liberals wrong and prove conclusively that Islamofascism is out to destroy Western civilization, wouldn't Western civilization have to be destroyed? What's the fun in saying "I told you so" in that scenario?

Alternatively, as long as Western civilization hasn't been destroyed, the Left can claim that the threat doesn't really exist.

Speaking of the destruction of Western civilization, it seems that yesterday's foiled plot took us one step closer to doing just that. What 400 flights disrupted? Not only was Heathrow disrupted, but it's one of the busiest airports in the world which means that world commerce took a big hit yesterday. Add that to the new restrictions on flying (no water bottles? I take, er, took 2 on every flight) and you could be looking at the end of much optional air travel. And the definition of optional air travel could expand. Plus with technology, many businesses may choose to do things via Internet, as Seth Godin opines.

It may be the end of traditional airlines as we know could also be the beginning of the personal air travel business, if someone can figure out how to do it cost-effectively. Apparently, 80% of flights into Martha's Vineyard are private planes anyway.
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