Sunday, July 02, 2006


One of the reasons I like studying and thinking about economics is because it is the study of trade-off's. Present vs. future consumption. Item 1 vs. Item 2.

Life is learning how to make trade-offs. No matter how much money or time you have, you need to think about how to make the trade that is right for you. Every moment of every day, you are making these decisions (consciously or unconsciously or subconsciously, I suppose).

I had planned to take the kids over to see my grandparents today. It had been too long since we saw them and I was looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, both Tonka and Paco have come down with runny nose colds and had a bit of croup over night. What that visit to Nana and Poppy. I's tough, but the trade-off I have made is my kids take priority.

That's not always easy to recognize or accept, but that's the choice I have made.
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