Thursday, July 20, 2006

High Point/Low Point

Every Friday night when my siblings and I were growing up, we would go around the dinner table (guests too) and share a high point and a low point (need not be the extreme, could be the mundane). It was a great way for us to come together, focus, and share in each other's week's events.

About 6-7 years ago, since we weren't all at home any more, I began the practice of a virtual high point/low point email which I sent out on Thurs. night and over the course of the next day, people would respond with their comments, so we could continue to share.

Here are mine for this week (I'll try to make this weekly as well):

My first “tea party” with Calanit
Calanit’s first “poop” in the Potty
Some good early morning runs w/Paco
Visiting Nana/poppy and their successful surgeries
Having 2 yoga dates with Tamar at night this week

Lack of sleep
Some technical challenges with one computer because I installed beta software
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