Monday, July 17, 2006

The Big Dig and Randomly Falling Trees

Most of you heard how a section of the Ted Williams Tunnel fell down last week (while I was in Boston) and killed a woman in the passenger seat of the car (while her newlywed husband next to her, survived).

This morning on our run, I took a bit of a different route and it's a good thing I did. Our normal route was blocked by a tree that fell clear across the path and completely smashed a bench on the side. ONe foot either side and the bench would have survived. Same with the woman in the tunnel, I suppose.

It's strange to think about how random life is sometimes. One inch one way, you live, one inch the other way, you die.

Read a great book once called The Five People You Meet In Heaven which begins with this same type of random occurence.

We want to be in control, but we're not, are we?
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