Sunday, June 04, 2006

Preparing for Death II

My sister just sent out a 3 page outline/project plan of things that need to be done after my grandfather (aka Poppy) dies.

Now, Poppy hasn't died and we pray that it will be a long time coming. However, I think the preparation is an important part of the process.

When the day comes, the last thing I want to do is to spend time worrying about which funeral home needs to be contacted or giving people directions to the cemetery. You know these things well in advance, so by spending the energy now to address these details, you give yourself the space/time to focus on the grieving/mourning/celebration of Poppy's life process. You can spend time with your family and loved one instead of on the phone with a stranger asking about how to get a death certificate processed.

Morbid? I don't think so. I think it's responsible and ultimately beneficial. It may be uncomfortable to deal with many of these issues, but you're going to have to deal with them eventually. Better to do it when the emotions are far less intense and the time constraints less of an issue.
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