Thursday, June 08, 2006

Playing it safe...

Along the grand continuum of risk aversion-risk tolerance, I fall more on the risk tolerance side. But the key to risk taking is calculating risk:reward ratios and quickly as possible.

The other night, I was engaged in a competitive game of team shuffleboard (a table top version).

My teammate, a more junior colleague of mine, had done a great job of positioning her pucks to score us a record number of points for the round. She had one toss to go before the end of the round.

I shouted down the table "just throw it off the side."

Her opponent encouraged her to "go for it!"

"I'm telling you...throw it off the side."

"I think I can do it," she said.

Needless to say, things didn't go as planned and she cost us 4 points, to the delight of opposition.

Don't know if it was experience or an inability to calculate risk:reward (or maybe she didn't care about winning).
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