Thursday, June 29, 2006

Flexibility, Internet, and Free Will

One of the things I love about my job--one that is paid on performance as opposed to time-is flexibility.

As long as I deliver quality to the organization (in terms of revenue), no one cares when or where I do my job. I can work from home, at night, in the early morning, etc.

To me, that's the benefit of the Internet revolution, we are freeing up the working man from having to do a certain task at a certain time. This reminds me of Spiderman "with great power comes great responsibility." For many people and employers, there is a hesitation to break the chains of a desk and an office. You don't see people, you don't see them working. People have to take responsibility for doing their work on their own time.

This is scary to some because it raises the bar for individual accountability, but at the same time, it's liberating.It empowers you to optimize your work effort and time.

This morning, I got to walk Calanit to school. Then, since it was such a nice day, I went for a run before going into the office at 11am.

I noticed that Montgomery County, MD (where I live) is now offering a tax incentive to companies that encourage telecommuters as a way to alleviate traffic congestion. I've long thought that this is a natural outgrowth of excessive congestion as well as a boon to personal productivity and flexibility.
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