Saturday, June 24, 2006

Being Present....

One of the "benefits," if you can call that, of the current medical conundrum is the mental acuity that results from a greater awareness of the fragility of life.

When I'm with my kids, in particular, but in many other more mundane situations, I am feeling a heightened sense of awareness. I am feeling much more PRESENT in the PRESENT. It's a nice feeling to not be looking back or looking forward, but just being right here now.

There's a song I've been listening to (thanks to Jeremy and Tamar Lustman...yes, they have the same names as we do!) by a group called Lev Tahor. It's called "Da'agah Minain" which is *roughly* Aramaic for 'Don't Worry."

The whole song has only a nine words (in Hebrew/Aramaic) and translates to English as:

"The past already happened, and the future has yet to come. And the present flies by like the blink of an eye, so from where do you have worries?"
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