Sunday, May 14, 2006

The value of the blog...

It's hard to measure the value of a Blog, unless it is a truly commercial venture.

One of Tamar's best friends growing up in Albany was a girl (now woman) named Ariella. I'd met her a few years ago.

As things are, the two of them lost touch...until a few weeks ago.

For some reason, Ariella decided to attempt to find Tamar and "googled" the two of us. She came upon this blog. After reading it, she apparently felt excited about the events of the family, felt closer to Tamar, and has since re-established connection.

I'd always thought of the Blog as a forum for
1. giving myself a place to just "vent" and capture my thoughts for posterity
2. give friends a place to go, if they want, to see what we're doing/I'm up to/thinking

Now it has become a vehicle to bring old friends back into the fold. That feels good.
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