Sunday, May 28, 2006

Little things that make a big impression...

My wife is a master of details. She appreciates-almost too a fault-all of the little things that go into making an occasion special. She'll spend a lot of time working on the design of a yarmulke or a centerpiece for a table. I tell her that, when all is said and done, people don't really notice that stuff and only remember the big stuff.

Well, I'm not so sure.

Thursday night at a wedding, I ran into someone who had a Sabbath meal with us about 5 years ago.

He asked me if we still go around the table and ask people to share something that was good and not so good of the previous week (a kind of week in review.) We do.

He told me that 5 years later, he still remembers how he felt that it was a great idea and something that was special and unique. It was clear he was left with a positive vibe.

Made me feel good and made me realize that any little thing can indeed make a big impression. Who am I to know what people will or will not appreciate? If you want them to feel a certain way, you do need to pay attention to those little details.
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