Monday, May 15, 2006

Double jogging stroller...

A few months ago, we got a jogging stroller and now that I am back into running, it's been a great asset to take one of the kids out in it and get a run at the same time.

The other day I was saying to Tamar, "you know, it'd be great to get a double jogging stroller." Well, sure enough on Freecycle, I saw one offered and snatched it up.

Today, since Tamar is away for the bris (ritual circumcision) of our newest nephew, I had both kids and was able to take them out for a 30 minute run thanks to the new stroller. (It's not new, it's used, but new to us).

Nowadays, it's simple pleasures like these that I relish. A double stroller...who would have thought?
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