Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mental Snapshots...

One phrase that Tamar and I use frequently is that of taking "mental snapshots." This is a deliberate effot to savor a moment in time, knowing that it will be fleeting and we should cherish it.

We particularly try to do this during times when we might otherwise be stressed. The other night, I was putting Erez to sleep and after rocking him and rocking him, I put him down, when of course, he would wake up again. As I stood there, stroking his head, I took a mental snapshot and really focused on the way his hair felt, on his breathing, and on my breathing, and everything else that was going on, saying to myself, "one day, I will be old and gray, my children will be grown, and when I look back on my life, this is one of the memories I am going to have."

The same thing happened on Friday when I met Tamar and the kids at the shopping center. I parked at the opposite end from where they were and when Calanit saw me, she began a sprint (or a 2 year old version of a spring saying "Abba!!!" with a huge grin on her face.) It's hard to beat that.

Mental snapshot...take one right now.
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