Saturday, April 22, 2006


Went for a run with Erez today. He's been a bit cranky lately and was crying a lot. Tamar and Calanit were sleeping so I figured I'd get him out of the house.

We picked up a jogging stroller, which I love, and combined with my new running shoes, I've had opportunities to take the kids out with me. It's nice bonding time....except for when your son is screaming his head off the whole time.

I had tried holding, feeding, and playing with him. Nothing worked.

All that was left was to make like Forrest Gump and just run. It became a contest of stamina and willpower. Who would outlast whom?

All I can say is that my son has an impressive set of lungs and has great stamina.

I started measuring the time of my run in terms of how long Erez was screaming. No watch and no objective other than have him cry it out.

It was a fresh perspective on measurement.

This made me think about the time I was spending with him (and had spent with him over the course of the day). We had really bonded the night before. It was 11pm and Calanit and Tamar were asleep (no, that's not all they do :-) and Erez and I were playing. I was teaching him colors, explaining women to him-well just explaining that women can't be understood--just kidding, sort of-and wrestling.

There's a saying in Pirkei Avot-Ethics of the Fathers: "Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his portion." I started thinking that I am rich because of the quality time I have with my kids and the fact that I am getting better and better at making them the priority. I still have moments of self-centeredness, but they are less frequent than before.

Measuring time in cries and wealth in time....I guess by the distributive property (I think) that means that wealth is measured by cries, which could be true. If I'm around to hear my kids cry (and hopefully make them feel better) perhaps I am richer than I realized (and this coming from a guy who is chock full of money neuroses).
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